Boost Blog

Help your website deliver better emails.

Your site sends emails for a variety of purposes.  Maybe more than you know? Password reminders, form autoresponders, user notifications, member management functions and (hopefully you are doing this… hint, hint) periodic newsletters.   However, almost all  hosts by default use your own WordPress site and local mail servers to send these out.

But, there are 3 great reasons you should choose a 3rd party SMTP service so send your business’s transactional emails. 

  1. They are super heroes at sending transactional email
  2. Deliverability rates will increase
  3. Avoid the likelihood of your emails being  labeled “spam” and/or blocked completely (often you never know they are blocked, this can impact your business)

There are many more good reasons to use a 3rd party SMTP service.(a service like SendGrid)  For example, you will also be able to send emails faster which is very useful if your site sends periodic newsletters to a larger opt-in list.