Boost Blog

Build your email list. Serve your customers.

Newsletters are so 20th century. You don’t have a newsletter for your business?  If not, it is probably because you don’t have the time or the content to publish one. Do you need one? Maybe not.  But… Business owners and association managers who have an opt-in email platform know the positive impact that building email lists, and sending […]

Boost Blog

Know your Backup & Restore procedure.

You are peacefully drinking your morning coffee as you eagerly open your favorite browser to view your recent sales, new members, and… your website is gone! No, the internet has not crashed, but your website has.   Your mind races, flirting with full-on panic. Then you remember

Boost Blog

Secure your website. Boost your rankings.

We all know you must absolutely have HTTPS (a secure connection) on your website if you are connecting to a payment gateway or handling sensitive customer information. However, with Google now using HTTPS sites as a ranking signal, you now have another reason to secure your site…an improved Google search ranking! A few days ago Google let […]

Boost Blog

Help your website deliver better emails.

Your site sends emails for a variety of purposes.  Maybe more than you know? Password reminders, form autoresponders, user notifications, member management functions and (hopefully you are doing this… hint, hint) periodic newsletters.   However, almost all  hosts by default use your own WordPress site and local mail servers to send these out. But, there […]